We invite you to join the Scroll team at ETHCC 2024! Attend one of our talks or events to learn more about our platform or hack with us to win one of our bounties. It's sure to be an amazing experience, and we look forward to seeing you there!
[**Join Scroll Hacker TG**](<https://t.me/+Zr__GWzkPZk0OTNi>)
[**Prizes on ETHGlobal**](<https://ethglobal.com/events/brussels/prizes/scroll>)
<aside> 📢 ETHGlobal Brussels × Scroll Cheatsheet has lots of tips to get you started!
Come hang out with the Scroll team and learn more about what we’re building. For specific talks, panels, and workshops, check out the page on where to find the Scroll team.